Effective cross-functional collaboration and communication heavily influence product launch success. Research shows that as many as 70% of product launches fail due to inadequate coordination among stakeholders, including supply chain, product management, legal, marketing, and change control teams (Gartner, 2022). The 2023 Supply Chain Insights Report highlights that 60% of supply chain disruptions are caused by poor communication and misalignment among cross-functional teams. This underscores the critical importance of cohesive efforts to achieve timely and compliant product launches.

Delve into the critical role of communication and collaboration in navigating the complexities of product launches. We will examine strategies for aligning supply chain teams, legal experts, and other critical stakeholders from the initial planning stages to launch with emphasis on ensuring all legal and regulatory requirements are met to avoid costly delays and compliance issues. Furthermore, the session will address the need for adequate training programs and clear communication channels to keep teams synchronized and responsive to real-time challenges.


  • 🤝 Gain actionable insights into fostering effective cross-functional collaboration, ensuring regulatory compliance, and optimizing supply chain processes.
  • 💬 Learn how to implement robust communication practices and training programs that drive successful product launches and enhance overall supply chain performance.
  • 🎯 Strategies for aligning cross-functional teams for seamless product launches.
  • 🛠 Techniques for establishing clear communication channels to minimize disruptions.

💡 You’ll walk away from this session equipped with practical strategies for achieving cross-functional alignment, ensuring compliance, and enhancing communication and training.

📅 November 14, 2024 at 9:30am PT, 12:30pm ET, 5:30pm GT

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